Avv. Alfredo Talenti
Email: a.talenti@legister.it
Foreign languages: English and German
Areas of activity
Legal advisory and judicial assistance, with respect to the law of contracts, business and corporate law; copyright law; no-profit entities; transfer of properties and assets to future generations; successions.
Admitted to the Italian bar from 1990 and from 2002 admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Cassation.
Law Degree from the University of Genoa Law School (J.D. Magna cum laude and reccomendation for the publication). Collaborator of the chair of Commercial law at the University of Genoa and drafting of legal publications (Le Società, edited by Zanelli, 1993, The antitrust Italian law, n. 287/1990, edited by Afferni, 1994, Commentary to the competition law, 1996, edited by Marchetti-Ubertazzi).